Developing Your Mind And Improving Your Life With Meditation

The word meditation is derived from the Latin "meditatio", which comes from the verb "meditari" which means “to ponder, to think, to contemplate”. The act of planning and preparing for something also fall under the umbrella of meditation. Most activities that require deep and persistent thought could be considered meditative acts. As a young boy or girl, when you would sit and read your favorite book and become so engrossed in the story that you failed to hear your mother pounding on your door, that moment of total absorption is, in fact, a moment of deep meditation.

The practice of meditation is nothing new. It has been around since ancient times as a  component of many religions. Meditation is also an important tool used to train the mind, foster deep relaxation, develop and channel ones internal energy or life force and cultivate virtues such as love, compassion, understanding and patience.

Within the Fusion One® natural health and holistic system, the practice of meditation involves quite a number of techniques. When used, these meditation techniques are intended to facilitate change on five important levels or realms.

As a practical and effective tool, meditation is finally gaining the acceptance and popularity it deserves. For instance, more doctors are now directing their patients towards meditation. This is a growing trend that is due, mainly, to the acceptance of meditation as a practice that offers help to patients with stress, depression, high blood pressure, some cardio vascular problems, insomnia and respiratory diseases such as asthma.

It is estimated that 50% or more of our contemporary illnesses are directly or indirectly caused by stress. Stress is also a principal cause of the accumulation of “belly fat”. With stress (a silent killer) at the core of so many of our maladies, help of any kind is welcomed. Studies now show meditation to offers much in the way of pain, stress and anxiety reduction.

Important benefits of meditation practice:

1. Meditation improves ones concentration and attention

2. It helps to strengthen the immune system

3. It slows the deterioration of the brain

4. It helps control pain, stress, anxiety and depression

5. It facilitates memory improvement

6. It increases ones capacity to express love, empathy and compassion

7. It improves creativity

8. It improves mental health

9. It builds self-confidence and self awareness

10. It helps one to sleep better

11. It fosters inner calm and peace

My 40 plus years as a student, practitioner and teacher of meditation has allowed me to establish a conviction that meditation is - hands down - one of the most important tools one can use to ensure a strong and healthy mind.

Get the tools you need to meditate safely and correctly.  

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